
Monday, October 31, 2011

If you're single now...

If you’re single now and if you’re a Christian and if Romans 8:28 means anything, it means that today you can grow better as a single than you could if you were married. Or God would have you married.

In other words,
there are things that you’re learning now,
there are ways in which you can grow right now,
there are opportunities for service and ministry that are better for you, and for Him, and for everybody around you, as a single person.

- Tim Keller
(From Tim Keller's Sex, Singleness and Marriage sermon series)

Monday, October 17, 2011

The worst part of my job

... is that I kill about 20 trees every day with the amount of printing and copying I do.

I have to give a hard copy of my work to this engineer, and that engineer, then it needs to be edited and reprinted 534232222857 times, then printed and handed to this other woman for approval, then printed for my boss, who has to make 23294288 more edits.

I like being environmentally friendly. I don't wanna kill anymore trees. :(

I guess if that's the worst part, that's not all that bad. :)

Tuesday, October 4, 2011


I love casual dresses. I love how easy it is to slip on a dress in the morning, and I love the way dresses look and feel. They can be worn all year-round (albeit with caution in the frigid Canadian winters). They can be worn for work and/or play. Plus, I just love how feminine they are.
I own a total of one casual dress that I wear on a daily basis. It looks like this one. Sadly, last month my washing machine ripped a small hole near the waist. *Sigh*. My favourite piece of clothing, my default work outfit, my cute little dress. Now it should be tossed, but I love it and can't let it go yet... I sewed up the one-inch hole and wear a belt that discreetly covers the area.

Ever since that little incident I've been looking for a replacement. Boy, is it hard to find cute, affordable and modest dresses and skirts!

Today, I am so excited to have stumbled on this gem of a website. It's called Shabby Apple, and it seems to be a socially-conscious, all-sizes-friendly business. They carry some really cute dresses. The ones I've looked at so far have high necklines, and go to the knee. They are all quite beautiful.

I think a dress is a good investment. Any piece of clothing that can be worn in multiple seasons, is appropriate for work, and transcends fashion trends is a good investment.

Because of some recent events, money is tight. I'm thinking of saving a bit, and purchasing one of those dresses next month. Now to decide which one to spend my hard-earned cash on. :) I welcome any suggestions!