Last evening I had a lovely chat at Starbucks with my friend M. We both agreed on something about our singleness: that it seems to be getting easier. That’s not to say that we wouldn’t like to be married and have kids someday. I know I definitely do hope for those things. But, it’s not as difficult as it used to be, to be content with where I’m at now.
M and I are both finished school, working, serving in church, and staying busy, and we’ve found that at this phase/stage in our lives, it is good to be single. God is such a good provider, and I am confident that he will provide a spouse if it is the best thing for me. But for now, I am so grateful that it is getting easier to live the single life. (I know not everyone will have the same experience(s) that I have had, but I want to say that there is hope for all you young single ladies. :) )