
Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Update (part 1)

I'm back. I haven't gone far, but I've felt some days as if life was running away from me. My stress at times has been overwhelming. I’ve experienced God's faithfulness during these weeks.

God is good. God is faithful. God will provide.

A month ago I was making a decision. That decision was whether to continue looking for jobs in engineering, or take a year "off" and join a great ministry called Power to Change. They work with University students to help students discover Jesus.

I prayed, wrote pros and cons lists, talked with godly people whom I trust, and came to the conclusion that I would take a year to do full-time ministry.

This meant surrendering my goals in engineering for the time being. Taking a year "off" meant that I'd be one year out of my field, meant one year separated from my degree, from my knowledge, and from technology, which is always advancing (and is hard to keep up with in any case).

I began filling out the Power to Change application and contacting references. A few days after that decision, I heard of a position at my company, in another department. An engineering job. Like a real engineering job.

The position is p.e.r.f.e.c.t.

It's another contract, this time for one year. I would be filling in for a woman going on maternity leave. The job is an entry-level position in FPGA design and testing (my favourite!). I already know some of the people who work in this department, and on this project. Great people.

I'm already familiar with the company, with the work, and with several of the products. So it seemed like the most amazing opportunity.

One of the senior engineers said that he and two other engineers would interview me. I had a few days to prep for the interview.

All I could do was praise God. What an incredible opportunity. It seemed that everything was falling into place for my goals (which I never really thought was possible).

I was getting pumped. I would even be able to continue building relationships, the relationships that I've developed over the past 9 months. I love the people I work with, and I'd still see them everyday. Plus, I'd be challenged in this new position, on a new project, and I'd be meeting some new people.

Oh wait – but what happened to my decision to do ministry?? I knew I had to pray.

God, do you want me to surrender this amazing opportunity? I will give it up, if it's what you want.
This job sounds perfect. Amazing. Challenging, but fresh and new and exciting.
Do you want me to pursue ministry, still? Do you want me to give it up, to serve you, to honour this decision I’ve made?

I asked with hesitation, waiting to hear that he was going to cut my excitement right then and there. Hesitation, but willingness.

Your will is best. Your plan is the best plan. I will follow your plan, even if it’s hard. Even if it’s not what I want right now.

But I didn’t hear anything. Not a word.

As I continued to pray, I felt his peace wash over me. I asked if I should take the job, if it were to be offered to me. And all I felt was his peace. I felt released to be able to pursue the avenue that I'd so hoped (for years) would be available to me.

But that's not the end of this story. I'll fill in the rest later!


  1. Decisions are never easy to make especially when its not so clear which way God wants you to go.Am always reminded- ALL THINGS WORK TOGETHER FOR GOOD TO THEM THAT LOVE THE LORD.Doesn't matter who,what when or where.

  2. Thanks for the reminder! That's what I need to hear.
