
Thursday, April 5, 2012

A confession

Today I told God that I'd be ok if his plan for me was to be single for the rest of my life.

I love serving him, and I can see the many benefits of serving God in singleness.

That feeling lasted all of about 6 hours... until a cute boy started paying attention to me.

Oh why is my heart so flawed, so flaky, so easily distracted? Why do I crave boy-attention so much?


  1. urgh. i know. i struggled with that my whole single life as well.

    it's OK though, if it's a moment-by-moment confessional to God. as long as you're doing it :)

    no one can tell the future, and our walk with God needs to be continual surrender to Him, not a one off comment to Jesus.

  2. Its great to totally surrender to God and when you do,he is able to make of you what he wants you to be. The beauty about it is that we don't have to be flawless or perfect.
    On the other hand, i think/know you are not going to be single all your life-in his time he makes ALL things beautiful.

  3. Jemimah, it's hard to say whether I'll get married. Some days I think that I could be single forever. There are so many benefits to being single. I especially appreciate the freedom I have to minister to both male and female coworkers.

    But of course, I also have days where I can't fathom being single for the rest of my life.

    I just want God's best for me. If it is better for me to serve him as a married woman, so be it. If it better for me to stay single and serve him in singleness, may his will be done.

  4. your heart isn't's completely natural to want the affection of's not a sin...jesus had mary...and they weren't married

  5. Ugh. I can relate!!!
    It's so up and down! I can serve God in so many ways right now as single person. But at the same time, there are days when you couldn't possible think this will be what you're doing forever!
    I guess the truth is that we can be used by God whether we're single or married. Just gotta go with the flow!
